Welcome to the House of Mogh!

Welcome to the House of Mogh!

The House of Mogh!

In this timeline, Its just after the Dominion War and the Klingon Empire is all but decimated. All the Klingon Council members are dead. One Warrior had the Honour and heart to try and pull things back together. Worf, the Son of Mogh!

Married to an Honourable and well respected house to Kheylar' an Ambassador to Earth, he and his bride stepped up to lead with Honor and courage when others only had greed as their motivation for power!

So after a brief power struggle with the Duras klan, the house of Mogh reigned supreme and began to rebuild the Klingon council and the Empire anew!

Alexander, the son of Worf and Kheylar' had become the image of his father and the deadliest combat Warrior in the Empire. So much so that his name is only mentioned now in whispers for fear of retaliation if mis-spoken about.

Worf's brother Kern has aways been respected but never more than in these present times. A Warrior in his own right, he proved himself time and time again in battle during his brother's dispensation! But now the truth was out. And all that had been reversed and forgiven once the treachery of the Klingon Council had been made known to all. By Kahless, They were all sure that the right family now sat at the head of the Council which was being rebuilt one member at a time.

The alliance with Earth was stronger than ever and the diplomatic situation between Earth and the Klingon home world had never been so strong! There was even talk of a collaboration on the building of a joint ship created specifically for use by the Klingon high commands joint crew made up of Klingon hybrids like Worf and Kheylar and a smattering of other hybrid species!

Latest Personal Logs

» And so it begins

Posted on Tue Mar 30th, 2021 @ 1:40pm by Ambassador General Worf Mogh

In this time line, the final battle of the Dominion War went something like this. The Federation and the Klingons had taken the fight to the Dominions door step. Having found the production center for the Ketrasel White, and destroying it, the Jem Hedar were on borrowed time. The melee…